
Lac Hong University  »  Research

About Research

LHU has the aim of training highly qualified human resources for companies and factories to meet society’s labor market. To perform this, the University always considers scientific research as its key mission for these reasons.

- Research activity is an essential part in order to help students to approach and apply their knowledge into solving scientific problems set up by life and career. Then their knowledge is widened and improved.

- Scientific research assists students in training their creativity, logical mind, independent thinking and group working skills. These can help them gain more confidence in a new working environment after graduation.

- Research activity helps to raise the training quality and inspire innovations, new inventions and products as well.

Therefore, every year hundreds of research topics are conducted by lecturers and students at LHU. The University holds 2 turns for students in June and in December and one for lecturers in June. Up to now, the University has organized more than 35 research conferences for students and lecturers. There are many research topics winning prizes at the ministry and province levels. They have also been published in domestic and foreign journals of science.

Establishment history of the Center of Scientific Research and Applications

On May 20, 2008, the Department of Scientific Research - Postgraduate Education - Quality Assurance was established to manage all research activities of the University. Dr. Nguyen Van Tan was appointed as Manger.

On August 1, 2012 the Department of Scientific Research, Postgraduate Education and Quality Assurance was renamed the Department of Scientific Research - Postgraduate Education. The Department has the function to organize, manage, and monitor science research activities and report them to the Rector.

On November 1, 2013 the Rector issued Decision No. 998/QD-DHLH to separate the Department of Scientific Research - Postgraduate Education into the Department of Scientific Research and the Department of Postgraduate Studies. The Department of Scientific Research is in charge of organizing, managing and monitoring scientific research activities and reporting to the Rector. Dr. Nguyen Vu Quynh was appointed as Head of the Department of Scientific Research.

Along with the development of the University, on April 1, 2014, the Rector issued Decision No. 272/QĐ-ĐHLH on establishing the Center of Scientific Research and Applications. Dr. Nguyen Thanh Son was appointed as Director.

On April 28, 2018, the Rector issued Decision No. 298/QĐ-ĐHLH on merging the Department of Scientific Research into the Center of Scientific Research and Applications. Dr. Nguyen Thanh Son continues to hold the position of Director and manage all activities related to scientific research.


  • - Advise the Rector on science and technology activities including: strategies development, plans for science and technology, aid exploitation, and science and technology cooperation with domestic and international universities, institutes and organizations; organize, urge and report the implementation of the scientific research activities and plans.

- Assist the Rectorate Board in supervising the implementation of the Center's rules and regulations of officials, lecturers and employees; monitor and supervise the operation of facilities and equipment in laboratories to ensure proper, efficient and economical uses.


  • 1. Be a responsible unit for advising the Rector to carry out tasks related to scientific research and technology transfer of the University;
  • 2. Advise the Rector in the management mechanism of science and technology activities, especially investment mechanism, financial use and human resources policies;
  • 3. Advise the Rector to develop strategies and plans for science and technology in the direction of applied universities, meeting social needs;
  • 4. Develop regulations, rules and implement procedures and guidelines on scientific research and technology transfer in accordance with regulations of the University and the State;
  • 5. Give guidelines for registration, manage scientific research projects at university, provincial, ministerial and state levels and technology competitions. Monitor and manage the progress of implementation and organize the acceptance of scientific research projects and initiatives;
  • 6. Organize conferences and seminars on science and technology, organize defenses of scientific research topics at university, ministerial and state levels; 
  • 7. Update the latest information on scientific works related to the training fields of the University, popularize them to faculties for reference and experience in teaching and research;
  • 8. Coordinate with related units to organize scientific seminars and conferences,; summarize and reward scientific research works;
  • 9. Make plans, organize and expand the scientific research cooperation with local, national and international partners;
  • 10. Build development strategies and plans to improve the quality and reputation of Lac Hong Journal of Science;
  • 11. Cooperate, sign and consult on transferring scientific research results to localities, educational institutions and businesses;
  • 12. Make syntheses and financial reports on scientific research and technology transfer activities as regulated;
  • 13. Act as a focal point to coordinate with related units to expand relations in scientific research to receive orders, bids, scientific research programs, topics and projects;
  • 14. Strengthen links with foreign partners in training and scientific research, deploy new technology applications and automation;
  • 15. Manage and preserve all facilities and assets under the Center assigned by the Rector;
  • 16. Advise the University to invest facilities and equipment for the the Center's laboratories in an efficient and economical way, prioritize investment in key branches of science and technology development;
  • 17. Assist the Rectorate Board to supervise the implementation of the University's regulations and rules for officials, lecturers, employees and students who come to work and study at the Center;
  • 18. Supervise and implement issues related to safety and environmental sanitation within the Center's campus;

19. Supervise and monitor the performances of laboratories, report to the Rector at the end of each school year as a basis for approving the next year's budget estimate and development orientations, plans and investment for each industry.

How to contact:

Office: Room I106, Campus 6, LHU

Address: No 10, Huynh Van Nghe, Buu Long ward, Bien Hoa city, Dong Nai province

Tel: (+84)251 3953373

  • Address: 10 Huynh Van Nghe street, Buu Long ward, Bien Hoa city, Dong Nai province.
  • Tel: 0251 3952 778
  • Email:
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